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About this Bibliography

How was this database created?

The bibliographic database was compiled and is constantly updated by Henri D. Grissino-Mayer. To a large extent, this has been made possible because hundreds of tree-ring scientists have sent him reprints of their publications, year after year. In the name of all the users of this database, we wish to thank all contributing authors.

Find out more about how this bibliography and about the Glossary of Dendrochronology in our paper published in 2005 in Tree-Ring Research.

Can I contribute too?

You are welcome to contribute by sending reprints of dendrochronologically relevant publications (excluding newspaper or magazine articles) to Henri D. Grissino-Mayer.

You may also submit reference(s) (with English abstracts, if available) or just send English abstracts that are missing in the database, using our form on this web site.

Database development and technical support:


