achieved this via so-called "functional traits" of species – wood density, specific leaf area (SLA, area per unit dry mass of leaf) and maximum height. Trees differ in these traits in a consistent way [...] international team of researchers has revealed that three functional traits – wood density, specific leaf area and maximum height – affect competition in predictable ways across all forested biomes worldwide.
the flux measurements (ICOS) 2016 Hemispherical photos to estimate ‒ together with leaf area samples ‒ the leaf area index (LAI) of the forest vegetation (ICOS). 2016 Development and installation of first [...] (WSL) to W. Eugster and N. Buchmann et al. (ETHZ). Site becomes a core site of Swiss FluxNet . 2006 An area of 25 x 70 m (1750 m 2 ) within the NE-part of the footprint of the EC site was harvested at the end [...] Jungfraujoch (Atmosphere station) 2014 Research site gets an additional 5 m buffer zone around the core area. Opening up new possibilities for research partners to establish projects 2014 Renewed contracts with
Forststrassennetzwerks Wissenschaftler, Kantonaler Planungsstab, Beratungsfirmen Matlab Skripte Small area forest inventory framework Kalkulation von Management Informationen (Volumen, Stammzahl etc.) basierend
Effects of Area Developments on the Ecological Quality of the Surrounding Green Space in the City of Zurich Does the required “particularly good design” of the policy instrument of the “Area Developments” [...] canton of Zürich and examine the variation and intensity of light pollution within the Katzensee nature area. Master Thesis Leo Constantin (pdf, 6 MB) Landschafts- und Landnutzungswandel in Tänikon - eine r [...] (pdf, 32 MB) Assessment of blue-green areas to promote amphibian species diversity in the Baden-Brugg area Amphibians are good indicators for biodiversity and rely on a wide range of blue-green habitats that
measuring a) residents’ mental models of the issue, b) their sense of ownership of the local river area and c) their acceptance of river management alternatives. Between measurements, we will implement
at the boarder to Italy. It is part of the UNESCO Biosphere Reservate Engiadina Val Müstair. In an area of nearly 500 km 2 Biosfera Val Müstair aims at promoting interactions between society, culture, nature
brauche ja auch noch eine ungestörte Versuchsfläche…
Vito weist mir eine Fläche in der „Forbidden Area“, der verbotenen Zone, zu. Diese liegt auf der Wind abgewandten Seite (meist) und wird nicht durch
the flow, which leads to destructive surges; (b) liquefaction, which can dramatically increase the area impacted by an event; and (c) material entrainment, which can increase the volume of a flow by orders
characteristics. The species proportions were estimated using species proportion by area which depends on the maximum stand basal area (BA max ). Three different methods and 2 different versions of parameters of [...] site properties. Nonlinear mixed-effects models with covariates were fitted to individual-tree basal area increment (BAI) data from the Swiss National Forest Inventory. Data from 1983-2006 were used for model [...] properties. In general, BAI was positively related to DBH, and negatively related to slope, basal area of larger trees, stand density (not so for the shade tolerant beech), mean DBH of the 100 thickest
and drone-based measures with thin the Swiss NFI interpretation area, and the inclusion of five new sub-plots in the interpretation area for minimally destructive and invasive sampling. In these five sub-plots [...] statistical forest inventory procedures are labour intensive, while the actual coverage of evaluated plot area is limited. Many forest parameters rely on assessments based on expert knowledge. These expert assessments [...] such as canopy cover and canopy gaps, vertical density of the canopy layer within the forest edge area, and stem density. Based on a previous study (Wang et al. 2020), we proposed a method using non-parametric
"Vaia" using multi-remote sensing data 3 MB Francesca Giannetti, University of Florence GEE for large-area disturbance mapping 5 MB Saverio Francini, University of Florence Rapid Sentinel-1-based detection
Die WSL entwickelt und betreibt ein probabilistisches Hochwasservorhersagesystem für das voralpine Einzugsgebiet der Sihl. Hochwasserereignisse können anhand einer Reihe von täglich durchgeführten Vorhersagen frühzeitig erkannt werden.
Master students, WSL scientists, tree-ring interested scientists and students working in the Zurich area (e.g., ETHZ, PSI, UZH) and in Switzerland or European countries (although we don't believe that people
been reported for European forests. Because of higher water demand arising from N-stimulated leaf area and growth, there is growing concern that drought effects are exacerbated in areas with previously [...] sample size, forest types (even-aged and uneven-aged), the target variables (tree diameter, basal area, or stem mass) and the range of tree sizes within the sample. SGR could therefore not be used for
TRAMM war ein Forschungsprojekt im Rahmen des ETH-Kompetenzzentrums für Umwelt und Nachhaltigkeit (CCES) von 2006 bis 2015 mit dem Ziel, Auslöse- und Transportprozesse von Hangrutschungen, Murgängen und Lawinen besser zu verstehen.
groundwater time series clustering to investigate subsurface hydrological connectivity and runoff source area dynamics. Water Resources Research, 55(7):5784-5806. Van Meerveld, H.J.; Kirchner, J.W.; Vis, M.J [...] artificial snow and ski-slope grooming on snowpack properties and soil thermal regime in a sub-alpine ski area, Annals of Glaciology, 38, 314-318. Gustafsson, D., Waldner, P. und Stähli, M. (2004) Factors governing [...] 1401-5765. Kummer, C. (2021): Potential of a hypothetical multi-purpose reservoir in the upper catchment area of the Alptal. Master’s Thesis, University of Bern, Faculty of Science, Institute of Geography, 60
Hemisfer ist ein Programm zur Schätzung vom Blattflächen-Index (BFI, oder LAI in Englisch: leaf area index) und vom Licht-Haushalt aus hemispherischen Photos.
The main goal of MoGLI is to project the potential distribution of the most common Swiss woody species across the entire forested area of Switzerland.