

BatScope came to life to offer our experience and knowledge of bat bioacoustics to a wider community of biologists, who are working increasingly with automated devices like the BatLogger. The development of the latter (in cooperation with ELEKON AG) and parts of BatScope was financially supported by an Environmental Technologies Development grant of the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN).

We gratefully acknowledge the testing and comments on many versions of BatScope by

  • Annie Frey-Ehrenbold and Fabio Bontadina (SWILD),
  • Hans-Peter B. Stutz and Hubert Krättli (Fledermausschutz CH),
  • Thomas Sattler
  • Raul Rodriguez
  • Peter Zingg
  • Emmanuel Rey
  • Elias Bader
  • Martin Decurtins
  • Carsten Braun

and the many other registered users of BatScope.


If you use BatScope in your work, we would like you to cite it (including the weblinks) as

Obrist, M.K., and Boesch, R. (2018). BatScope manages acoustic recordings, analyses calls and classifies bat species automatically. Can. J. Zool. 96: 939-954. Web:


The WSL offers the BatScope product as is with no warranties and no liabilities.

BatScope cannot always be accurate in its classification! Be aware of the variability in the echolocation of bats and judge the results of classifications critically before verifying them.