Proposing targets and limits to urban sprawl for Switzerland

Professor Jochen Jaeger

Concordia University, Department of Geography, Planning and Environment
Montreal, Quebec, Canada


Fellowship Period: 01.2022-04.2022

His research interests are in landscape ecology, road ecology, and environmental assessment. Examples of research projects in his lab include the development of predictive models for high-mortality-risk zones for turtles in Quebec and surveys of road mortality along Autoroute 10 before the implementation of mitigation measures. Other projects address the effectiveness of greenbelts at limiting urban sprawl, the question of how long wildlife fencing along highways needs to be, the trade-off between a few-long-or-many-short fences (FLOMS), and the need for better consideration of uncertainties in environmental assessments.

Activities within WSL Fellowship

(1) I organized a workshop together with Anna Hersperger and Felix Kienast to discuss the future of the measurement and monitoring of urban sprawl and questions such as: How can a reliable monitoring of urban sprawl be established? How can monitoring results help improve planning scenarios and policy making? We invited a selection of national and international experts working in this field. We had this workshop at WSL in person in March 2022 and started a network for regular exchange about this topic.   

(2) This activity is building on our book “Zersiedelung messen und begrenzen – Massnahmen und Zielvorgaben für die Schweiz, ihre Kantone und Gemeinden”, which came out in 2018 at Haupt-Verlag (Schwick et al. 2018). The project is in collaboration with Anna Hersperger (WSL), Yves Maurer (ARE), and Rudolf Muggli (advocate at Kanzlei konstruktiv, Bern). The resulting peer-reviewed paper will discuss targets and limits to urban sprawl and the proposed approach for Switzerland in the context of the international debate about urban sprawl, limits to growth, and collectively agreed self-moderation.

Cooperation within WSL

Interne Kontakte (Datensätze)

Cooperation outside of WSL

Yves Maurer, Bundesamt für Raumentwicklung ARE, Bern

Matteo Riva, ETH Zurich

Dr. Martin Behnisch, IöR Dresden
Dr. Tobias Krüger, IöR Dresden

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Walz, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden