Energy wood potential in the Ukrainian Carpathians

What factors hinder an increased utilization of energy wood in the Ukrainian Carpathians? How can these hindrances be overcome? How much energy wood can be used sustainably? How can its utilization efficiency be improved? These and other research questions will be examined in three regions of the Carpathians: Lviv/Lemberg, Transcarpathia and Iwano-Frankivsk. In addition to encouraging young Ukrainian researchers to work in the area of renewable energy, this research and education project will initiate new activities, which will lead to a better supply, safety and efficiency of energy wood.

The project reels around the importance of wood for the energy transition in the Ukraine. Accordingly, it addresses the question to what degree this resource can be sustainably exploited. The research project strongly relies on answers and solutions developed by the Ukrainian project partners in collaboration with local stakeholders. Apart from tangible research (Master and PhD theses) the project fosters capacity building (curriculum development, scientific exchange, trainings and excursions). The publication of the Best Practices Contestin early 2018 yielded numerous new contacts to practitioners and thereby provided insights into the challenge of local energy provision in rural areas of the Carpathian mountains. The Participatory Video intervention constitutes an additional means to capture local needs and innovative solutions. This instrument allows local stakeholders to present their “energy realities” but equally, to promote creative ideas related to the procurement and use of energy wood. The resulting video can be used as a powerful tool to stimulate sustainable bioenergy use in neighboring communities or to get heard in the political arena.

Links and Media

Boryslav: On the Way to Energy Independence (Video: 10:59)

In June 2018, the population of the Ukrainian town of Boryslav was given the floor to narrate the story of an almost forgotten place. The resulting video reports about the formerly thriving European oil industry that originated in Boryslav. Today, the community wants again to be pioneers; this time for the Ukrainian energy transition.

  • Dem Schweizer Wald im ukrainischen Urwald auf der Spur. SBFI-News 2018: 13-14.
  • WSL-News «Mit Energieholz gegen die ukrainische Energiekrise» (22.3.17)
  • Soloviy et al. 2019. Innovation in the use of wood energy in the Ukrainian Carpathians. Forest Policy and Economics 104: 160-169. PDF