Research Interests

Soil solution and the soil water availability for plants - Soil degradation processes – Stable isotopes and fallout radionuclides as soil, sediment and water tracers - Environmental modelling with remote sensing and GIS - Natural hazards and rainfall erosivity


  • GCOS, 2024-2027, SMURF: Soil Moisture Upscaling using Radiative transFer modelling
  • SNSF, 2023-2026, INSIghtForest: IN SItu tracking of water fluxes in Forest ecosystems
  • FOEN, 2025-2023, DRAINS: Drought Risk mAps for the Swiss Forest
  • SNSF, 2019-2023, SoilTain: How much water does soil retain for trees?
  • FOEN, 2018-2021, Soil erosion risk modelling in Alpine areas


  • 2009 PhD in Geoscience, University of Basel, CH.
  • 2005 MSc in Hydrology, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, D.

Professional Career

  • Since 11/2017 Senior researcher, Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, CH.
  • 01/2012 - 10/2017 Research Associate (Oberassistentin), University of Basel, CH.
  • 11/2010 - 05/2011 Researcher, Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, I.
  • 07/2009 - 12/2011 Post-doctoral investigator, University of Basel, CH.

Teaching & Supervision

  • Supervision and Co-Supervision: 3 PhD-, 11 MSc-, 8 BSc students
  • since 2022 "Bodenresourcen and global change", ETHZ, CH
  • since 2021 Guest lecturer in "Stable Isotope Ecology of Terrestrial Ecosystems", "Environmental Measurement Lab", "Mountain Forest Hydrology", ETHZ, CH.
  • 2012-2017 Course coordinator “Ökologische Standortansprache”, University of Basel, CH.
  • 2012-2017 Course coordinator “Einführung in die Hydrologie”, University of Basel, CH.

