50-year jubilee of hydrological research in the Alptal valley

In 2018 it is exactly 50 years since the beginning of the systematic measurements in the Alptal valley. This anniversary has been celebrated with a number of events. For example, an international scientific workshop and a festivity for former and current collaborators were organized in June 2018.

The jubilee has also been used as an opportunity to renovate the meteorological and runoff stations and to provide an easy access to long-term data by way of the WSL data portal Envidat.

Overall, the 50-year jubilee shall lay the foundation for a modern, innovative and insightful continuation of the hydrological and morphological research in the Alptal valley.

Report by regional radio Innerschwyz (in Swiss german)

Report WSL intern (Nr. 3, Sept. 2018) by Lisa Bose and Emilie Bogner (in german)

International Workshop on the Hydrology and Morphology of sub-alpine, semi-forested catchments

Date: 27-29 June, 2018

Location: Berghaus Etzel, Einsiedeln, Brunni (Alptal)

Handout(background, program, participants)

Presentations: M. Stähli - Historical review of Alptal research