
Das "Energy Change Impact" Forschungsprogramm fördert den Austausch zwischen verschiedenen Akteuren in der Energieforschung und führt inter- und transdisziplinäre Tagungen durch.



Ecological Impacts of Multi-purpose reservoirs - "CH2018-Hydro Wasserspeicher-Projekt"

11. June 2020, 9:00-12:00 Zoom WSL

The SFOE funded project "CH2018-Hydro Wasserspeicher» aims to evaluate the potential of natural and artificial lakes and reservoirs to mitigate future periods of water scarcity in Switzerland. This workshop gathers expertise on the anticipated ecological impacts - positive and negative ones - of altered multi-purpose reservoire management systems and  new artifical lakes. Contact

Knowledge and Technologietransfer in large Energy Research Programs

23 April 2020, 12:45-15:30, Zoom hosted by Hightech Zentrum Aargau, Brugg

The 13th Working Group Meeting informs about ongoing and planned activities in 2020, addresses the current funding opportunities for Swiss energy research and discusses possible joint initiatives. Agenda Contact