Research interests

I am interest in spatial modelling of various phenomena to identify relationships between them and environmental site conditions. The objectives are to understand the phenomena themselves but also to make spatial predictions. I am particularly interested to identify the relevant spatial scales at which processes operate.

I develop and apply digital soil mapping and species distribution models using different GIS, remote sensing and statistical methods.  

Teaching at ETH Zurich

Geographic Information Systems. Master course (No. 651-4031-00L) at the Department of Earth Sciences. Yearly course autumn semester.

Geographic Data Processing with Python and ArcGIS. Master course (No. 701-1776-00L) at the Department of Environmental Systems Science. Yearly course (3 day block course) one week before the autumn semester starts.  

Geoprocessing with ArcGIS and Python. Module at Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in RIS/GIS at the Institute of Cartography and Geoinformation (Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering). 

Master thesis

If you are interested in writing a master thesis in the context of digital soil mapping, modelling biodiversity or forest functions using remote sensing techniques, please contact me.

Keywords: Geographic information science, Airborne and terrestrial LiDAR, Digital soil mapping, Species distribution models, Forest structures, Terrain attributes

Supervised theses

Paganini R. 2024. Assessment of multitemporal drought damage in beech forests using commercial smallsats. MSc thesis, EPFL. Supervisor Prof. C. Grossiord, Cosupervisor C. Bloom.

Flükiger, L. 2020. Including soil information in high-resolution distribution modelling of woody species. MSc thesis, ETH Zurich. Supervisor Prof. N. Zimmermann, Cosupervisor R. Wüest.

Füglister B. 2020. Spatial distribution and environmental factors of dead spruce stands in the Swiss Plateau and Jura. MSc thesis, ETH Zurich. Supervisor Prof. N. Zimmermann.

Pranga J. 2019. Analysis of drought patterns in beech stands concerning environmental factors, in Switzerland. MSc thesis, University of Freiburg (D), Supervisor Dr. H. Weinacker.

Flavian S. 2019. Modellierungen von Baumarten der Schweiz mit Einbezug der Bewirtschaftung. BSc thesis, ETH Zürich.

Hertzog M. 2017. Modelling soil attributes with the Random Forest method for the Swiss forest area. MSc thesis, ETH Zurich. Supervisor Prof. D. Or, Cosupervisors: A. Papritz, L. Walthert.

Hürlimann R. 2016. Geostatistical modelling of soil pH based on LiDAR-measurements. MSc thesis, Wageningen University. Supervisor Prof. Gerard Heuvelink.

Lenggenhager A. 2014. Modellierung der Bodenacidität mit terrestrischem LiDAR im Alptal. MSc thesis University of Zurich. Supervisor Prof. R. Purves.

Allemann M. 2012. Nachbilden der Bodeneignungskarte für die Waldböden in der Schweiz und ergänzen der Kartierungseinheiten mit Informationen zum Wasser- und Nährstoffspeichervermögen. MSc thesis University of Bern. Supervisor Prof. W. Wilcke, Cosupervisor L. Walthert.

Nussbaum M. 2011. Modellierung des organischen Kohlenstoffgehalts und –vorrats in Schweizer Waldböden. MSc thesis, University of Zurich. Supervisor Prof. M. Schmidt, Cosupervisor A. Papritz.

Camathias L. 2010. Potential von hochauflösenden Höhenmodellen als Indikatoren für die Biodiversität im Wald. MSc thesis University of Bern. Supervisor PD Dr. S. Wunderle, Cosupervisor A. Bergamini.

Stadelmann G. 2008. Modellierung der Waldentwicklung an der Rigi-Nordlehne zur Analyse der Schutzwirkung von Wald gegen Murgang. MSc thesis, ETH Zurich. Supervisor Dr. M. Frehner, Cosupervisors Prof. H. Bugmann, C. Graf.

