CCES-TRAMM: Triggering of Rapid Mass Movements in Steep Terrain

Gestion de projet

Manfred Stähli

Collaborateurs du projet

Brian McArdell
Christian Rickli
Jürg Schweizer
Alec van Herwijnen

Durée du projet

2006 - 2034



Was genau läuft ab, wenn flachgründige Rutschungen, Hangmuren und Lawinen ausgelöst werden? Welches sind die entscheidenden Mechanismen? Und wie gut können solche Prozesse mit numerischen Modellen abgebildet und vorhergesagt werden? Diesen Fragen ging das Projekt TRAMM von 2006 bis 20015 nach, finanziert durch das ETH Kompetenzzentrum für Umwelt und Nachhaltigkeit (CCES). In der zweiten Projektphase (2012-15) lag der Schwerpunkt bei der Verbesserung und der Nutzbarmachung von Modellen im Hinblick auf Frühwarnsysteme.

ISI Publikationen

Begutachtete Publikationen

Akca, D., Gruen, A., Askarinejad, A., and Springman, S.M. 2011. Photogrammetric monitoring of an artificially generated landslide. The International Conference on GeoInformation For Disaster Management (Gi4DM'11), Antalya, Turkey, May 3-8 (only on CD-ROM).

Askarinejad, A., Casini, F., Kienzler, P, Springman, S.M. 2010. Comparison of the in situ and laboratory water retention curves for a silty sand. 5th Intern. Conf. Unsaturated Soils UNSAT, 6-9 September, Barcelona, Spain. ISBN 978-0-415-60428-4, pp. 423-428.

Askarinejad, A. 2009. A method to locate the slip surface and measuring subsurface deformations in slopes. Proceedings of 4th International Young Geotechnical Engineers (4iYGEC), Alexandria, Egypt 2.-6.10.2009: 171-174.

Askarinejad, A., Akca, D. & Springman, S.M. 2018. Precursors of instability in a natural slope due to rainfall: a full-scale experiment. Landslides 15, 1745–1759.

Ferrari A., Quan Luna B., Spikerman A., Travelletti J., Krzeminska D., Eichenberger J., van Asch T., van Beek R., Bogaard T., Malet JP and Laloui L. (2014). Techniques for the modelling of the process systems in slow and fast-moving landslides. in Mountain Risks: From Prediction to Management and Governance (ISBN: 978-94-007-6768-3), p. 83-129. Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research 34, Springer.

Hess, J., Rickli, C., McArdell, B., Stähli, M. 2014. Investigating and managing shallow landslides in Switzerland. In: K. Sassa et al (eds): Landslide Science for a Saver Geoenvironment, vol. 2, Springer Int. Publ. Switzerland, p. 805-808.

Nuth, M., and Laloui, L. 2008. Advanced hydro-mechanical coupling for unified constitutive modeling of unsaturated soils. Proc. of the First European Conf. on Unsaturated Soils, Durham, Taylor & Fracis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-415-47692-8.

Nuth, M. and Laloui, L. 2008. New achievements in modeling confined unsaturated soils within a unified constitutive framework. Proceedings of IWUS 08, Trento.

Stähli, M, and Bartelt, P. Von der Auslösung zur Massenbewegung. In: Hegg Ch., and Rhyner, J. Warnung bei aussergewöhnlichen Naturereignissen. Forum für Wissen. ISSN 1021-2256, p. 33-38.

Eingeladene Publikationen

Springman, S.M. 2011. Simple slope stability analyses while considering unsaturated behaviour/response. 12th Suklje Lecture, Zbornik Referaton, 12. Sukljetovi dnevi, Slovenian Geotechnical Society, Ajdovscina, Slovenia, 30.9.2011 (Univerza v. Ljubljani, Ljubljana): 5-35.


Andreini, N. 2012. Dam Break of Newtonian Fluids and Granular Suspensions : Internal Dynamics Measurements. Thèse Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne EPFL, no 5344, 88 pp.

Askarinejad, A. 2013 Subject: Failure mechanisms in unsaturated silty sand slopes triggered by rainfall. ETH-Diss No. 21423.

Berger, C. 2010. Debris flow entrainment and sediment transfer processes at the Illgraben catchment, Switzerland, Universität Bern, Institut für Geologie, 156 pp.

Brönnimann, C. 2011. Effect of groundwater on landslide triggering. PhD thesis, EPF Lausanne, Laboratory of Engineering and Environmental Geology, 224 pp.

Eichenberger, J. 2013. Geomechanical modelling of rainfall-induced landslides in partially saturated slopes. Thèse EPFL, n° 5580.

Michlmayr, G. 2013. Characteristics of force jumps and energy release during shearing of granular material – Acoustic emissions measurements and fiber-bundle models. Diss. ETH No. 20978, 127 pp.

Mitterer Ch. 2012. Formation of wet-snow avalanches. Diss. ETH No. 20662, 136 pp.

Nuth, M. 2009. Constitutive modelling of unsaturated soils with hydro-geomechanical couplings. EPF Lausanne.

Schwarz, M. 2010. Hydro-mechanical characterization of rooted hillslope failure: from field investigations to fiber bundle modeling. ETH Zürich.

Thielen, A. 2007. Einfluss der Bodensättigung auf die Stabilität von Hängen, ETH-Diss. Nr. 17303.

Von Rütte, J. 2013. Catchment scale hydromechanical model for landslide triggering – Representing localization and failure abruptness. Diss ETH No. 21160, 138 pp.


FAN-Agenda, December 2008. Special issue of TRAMM including 9 short articles. Fachleute Naturgefahren Schweiz, 23 pp.

Masterarbeiten / Diplomarbeiten

Beck, A. 2011. Characterisation of a silty sand having a viscous pore fluid. Master thesis, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland.

Beck, T. 2014. Modeling rainfall-induced shallow landslides - From the classic spring block models to a more realistic representation of shallow landslide triggering, Master project, ETH Zurich

Chamoun, S. 2013: A geostatistical methodology for stochastic simulation of intermittent rainfall fields. Master thesis, EPFL-LTE.

Derksen, S. 2014. Flexible facing systems for slope stabilization, Master thesis in Environmental Engineering, ETH Zurich.

De Stefani, D., Leu, P., Mayencourt, P., Molinari, O., Secchi, B. 2012. Slano Blato landslide (Slovenia). Semester thesis, ETH Zurich, IGT, Switzerland.

Faulkner, N. 2016. Comparison of debris flow models. Master project, Soil and Terrestrial Environmental Physics, ETH Zürich, 22 pp.

Gilgen, M. 2008. Hydrological Simulation of a Hillslope Prone to Shallow Landslides. Diploma thesis. Department of Environmental Sciences, ETH Zürich; 76 pp.

Hilber, I. 2011. Soil structure characterisation of an artificially triggered landslide (Rüdlingen). Master thesis, ETH Zurich, Switzerland.

Kauer, S. 2010. Monitoring soil moisture dynamics on a hillslope prone to slide. Master thesis, University of Zurich, Department of Geography, 61 pp.

Leonarduzzi, E. 2014. Acoustic Emissions propagation and attenuation in different porous media and water contents, Master thesis in Environmental Engineering, Master thesis, ETH Zurich

Malecki, C. 2011. Finite element parametric study of landslide induced by rainfall. Master thesis, ETH Zurich, Switzerland.

Maries, G. 2011. Strength and geophysical profiling of a study site at Rufiberg, Canton Schwyz, CH. Master thesis, ETH Zurich, Switzerland.

Oggier, N. 2011. Modelling of debris flows using RAMMS at the Meretschibach, Agarn, Canton Wallis. Master thesis, ETH Zurich, Switzerland.

Schöbi, R. 2011. Debris Flow as a result of the Wenchuan Earthquake in China 12th May 2008 and subsequent rain events. Semester thesis, ETH Zurich, IGT, Switzerland.

Steinemann, S. 2013. Hillslope Debris-Flow Processes and the Influence of Geology and its Soil Products. Master thesis, ETH Zurich, Department of Earth Sciences, Switzerland.

Vögtli, M. 2013. Linking Acoustic Emissions with Avalanche Characteristics in the Sand Pile Model – Experiments and Lessons for Landslide Early Warning Schemes. Master thesis, ETH Zurich, Switzerland.

Eingeladene Publikationen

Springman, S.M. 2011. Simple slope stability analyses while considering unsaturated behaviour/response. 12th Suklje Lecture, Zbornik Referaton, 12. Sukljetovi dnevi, Slovenian Geotechnical Society, Ajdovscina, Slovenia, 30.9.2011 (Univerza v. Ljubljani, Ljubljana): 5-35.


Andreini, N. 2012. Dam Break of Newtonian Fluids and Granular Suspensions : Internal Dynamics Measurements. Thèse Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne EPFL, no 5344, 88 pp.

Askarinejad, A. 2013 Subject: Failure mechanisms in unsaturated silty sand slopes triggered by rainfall. ETH-Diss No. 21423.

Berger, C. 2010. Debris flow entrainment and sediment transfer processes at the Illgraben catchment, Switzerland, Universität Bern, Institut für Geologie, 156 pp.

Brönnimann, C. 2011. Effect of groundwater on landslide triggering. PhD thesis, EPF Lausanne, Laboratory of Engineering and Environmental Geology, 224 pp.

Eichenberger, J. 2013. Geomechanical modelling of rainfall-induced landslides in partially saturated slopes. Thèse EPFL, n° 5580.

Michlmayr, G. 2013. Characteristics of force jumps and energy release during shearing of granular material – Acoustic emissions measurements and fiber-bundle models. Diss. ETH No. 20978, 127 pp.

Mitterer Ch. 2012. Formation of wet-snow avalanches. Diss. ETH No. 20662, 136 pp.

Nuth, M. 2009. Constitutive modelling of unsaturated soils with hydro-geomechanical couplings. EPF Lausanne.

Schwarz, M. 2010. Hydro-mechanical characterization of rooted hillslope failure: from field investigations to fiber bundle modeling. ETH Zürich.

Thielen, A. 2007. Einfluss der Bodensättigung auf die Stabilität von Hängen, ETH-Diss. Nr. 17303.

Von Rütte, J. 2013. Catchment scale hydromechanical model for landslide triggering – Representing localization and failure abruptness. Diss ETH No. 21160, 138 pp.


FAN-Agenda, December 2008. Special issue of TRAMM including 9 short articles. Fachleute Naturgefahren Schweiz, 23 pp.

Masterarbeiten / Diplomarbeiten

Beck, A. 2011. Characterisation of a silty sand having a viscous pore fluid. Master thesis, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland.

Beck, T. 2014. Modeling rainfall-induced shallow landslides - From the classic spring block models to a more realistic representation of shallow landslide triggering, Master project, ETH Zurich

Chamoun, S. 2013: A geostatistical methodology for stochastic simulation of intermittent rainfall fields. Master thesis, EPFL-LTE.

Derksen, S. 2014. Flexible facing systems for slope stabilization, Master thesis in Environmental Engineering, ETH Zurich.

De Stefani, D., Leu, P., Mayencourt, P., Molinari, O., Secchi, B. 2012. Slano Blato landslide (Slovenia). Semester thesis, ETH Zurich, IGT, Switzerland.

Faulkner, N. 2016. Comparison of debris flow models. Master project, Soil and Terrestrial Environmental Physics, ETH Zürich, 22 pp.

Gilgen, M. 2008. Hydrological Simulation of a Hillslope Prone to Shallow Landslides. Diploma thesis. Department of Environmental Sciences, ETH Zürich; 76 pp.

Hilber, I. 2011. Soil structure characterisation of an artificially triggered landslide (Rüdlingen). Master thesis, ETH Zurich, Switzerland.

Kauer, S. 2010. Monitoring soil moisture dynamics on a hillslope prone to slide. Master thesis, University of Zurich, Department of Geography, 61 pp.

Leonarduzzi, E. 2014. Acoustic Emissions propagation and attenuation in different porous media and water contents, Master thesis in Environmental Engineering, Master thesis, ETH Zurich

Malecki, C. 2011. Finite element parametric study of landslide induced by rainfall. Master thesis, ETH Zurich, Switzerland.

Maries, G. 2011. Strength and geophysical profiling of a study site at Rufiberg, Canton Schwyz, CH. Master thesis, ETH Zurich, Switzerland.

Oggier, N. 2011. Modelling of debris flows using RAMMS at the Meretschibach, Agarn, Canton Wallis. Master thesis, ETH Zurich, Switzerland.

Schöbi, R. 2011. Debris Flow as a result of the Wenchuan Earthquake in China 12th May 2008 and subsequent rain events. Semester thesis, ETH Zurich, IGT, Switzerland.

Steinemann, S. 2013. Hillslope Debris-Flow Processes and the Influence of Geology and its Soil Products. Master thesis, ETH Zurich, Department of Earth Sciences, Switzerland.

Vögtli, M. 2013. Linking Acoustic Emissions with Avalanche Characteristics in the Sand Pile Model – Experiments and Lessons for Landslide Early Warning Schemes. Master thesis, ETH Zurich, Switzerland.


Synthese-Bericht zum Abschluss von Phase I (2010)

Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse der ersten Phase des TRAMM-Projekts wurden in einem Synthese-Bericht zusammengefasst. (Nov 2010, 50 Seiten; englisch mit teilweise d/f Übersetzung)

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White Paper über Frühwarnsysteme (2014)

Im Anschluss an einen Workshop in Appenberg (Januar 2013) wurde zusammen mit Praxisvertretern ein gemeinsames White Paper über Frühwarnsysteme verfasst.

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Bericht zur Monte Verita-Konferenz April 2010

Im April 2010 fand auf dem Monte Verita bei Ascona eine internationale Konferenz zum Thema "Auslösung von Massenbewegungen" statt. Eine Zusammenfassung dieser Tagung befindet sich in diesem Bericht.

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Interne Berichte zu den Feldexperimenten

Or, D., and many others. 2007. Characterization of the Wiler field site. Internal TRAMM report, 22 pages.

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Tacher, L. and Locher D. 2008. Geological Characterization of the Buchberg field site (Ruedlingen). Internal TRAMM report, 4 pages.

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Schwarz, M. and Rickli, Ch. 2008. Characterisation of the vegetation cover at the test site of Ruedlingen. Internal TRAMM report, 10 pages.

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Externe Mitarbeitende


Lehmann Peter PI
 ETH Zürich
Or Dani PI  ETH Zürich
Berne Alexis PI  EPF Lausanne
Lyesse Laloui PI  EPF Lausanne
Springman Sarah PI  ETH Zürich
 Ancey Christophe
PI (2006-10)
 EPF Lausanne

Postdocs / Senior Scientists

Faillettaz Jerome STEP Senior researcher
Schleiss Marc EPFL-LTE Postdoc
Alessio Ferrari LMS/EPFL Senior researcher
Bandara Samila LMS/EPFL Postdoc
Askarinejad Amin IGT PhD student/Postdoc
Kos Andrew IGT Senior Researcher
van Herwijnen Alec SAP Research scientist
Tacher Laurent
EPFL  Senior Researcher (2006-10)


in der Phase II (2011-15):

Frank Florian MHT
Oggier Nicole MHT
Linfeng Fan STEP
Michlmayr Gernot STEP
von Rütte Jonas STEP
Casanova Achille SAP/STEP
Askarinejad Amin IGT
Yamamoto Yuko IGT
Lucas Daisy IGT

in der Phase I (2006-2010):

  • Mathieu Nuth (EPF Lausanne, Geomechanical modelling)
  • Catherine Berger (WSL, Debris flow erosion)
  • Massimiliano Schwarz (ETH Zürich/WSL, Root reinforcement)
  • Cornelia Brönnimann (EPF Lausanne, Hydrogeology of landslides)
  • Gernot Michlmayr (ETH Zürich, Acoustic emissions)
  • Jonas Von Rütte (ETH Zürich, Landslide modelling)
  • John Eichenberger (EPF Lausanne, Geomechanical modelling)
  • Amin Askarinejad (ETH Zürich, Geotechnical analysis of landslides)
  • Christoph Mitterer (SLF, Wet snow avalanches)
  • Nicolas Andreini (EPFL, Fluid dynamics)

Techniker und administrative Mitarbeitende

Cremonino Paolo STEP technician
Breitenstein Daniel STEP technician
Bleiker Ernst IGT technician
Herzog Ralf IGT Engineer/technician
Zwahlen Sonja IGT Administrator

Experimentelle Daten

Im Laufe des TRAMM-Projekts wurden umfassende experimentelle Datensätze erhoben, welche jetzt für alle Interessierten zur Verfügung gestellt werden:

Ruedlingen (SH) -  experimental landslide dataset

Abstract: A landslide testsite dataset related to pore water pressure perturbations on the stability of unsaturated silty sand slopes leading to the initiation and propagation of the shear deformations and eventual rapid mass movements. The experimental slope is 7.5 m wide by 35 m long, located in the Swiss lowlands on an east facing slope over-looking the river Rhine, at an altitude of ~ 350 m a.s.l. The average gradient was determined to be from 38° to 43° with a slightly concave surface. The underlying rock consists mainly of Molasse. Site instrumentation:Measurements of soil suction, groundwater level, soil volumetric water content, rain intensity and soil temperature were taken and combined with geophysical monitoring using Electrical Resistance Tomography (ERT) and investigations into subsurface flow by means of tracer experiments. Deformations were monitored during the experiment, both on the surface via photogrammetrical methods and within the soil mass, using a flexible probe equipped with strain gauges at different points and two axis inclinometers on the top and acoustic sensors. Instruments were installed mainly in three clusters at depths of 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, and 150 cm below the ground surface over the slope, including jet-fill tensiometers, TDRs, Decagon TDRs, piezometers, soil temperature sensors, deformation probes, earth pressure cells, acoustic sensors and rain gauges. Experiments: A sprinkling experiment was carried out in September 2008 to investigate the hydrological and mechanical response of the slope (Experiment 1), followed by a second one to trigger a landslide in March 2009 (Experiment 2).

DOI: 10.16904/4

Rufiberg (SZ) - experimental hydrological and hydrogeological dataset of a landslide prone hillslope

Abstract: Rufiberg is a pre-alpine meadow site in Switzerland where shallow landslides have been observed after past intense rain storms. In order to assess the triggering mechanisms of these landslides, a comprehensive investigation was conducted within the project TRAMM from Nov 2009 to Oct 2012. It included meteorological observations, soil moisture measurements, bedrock groundwater measurements. The Rufiberg is located at the NW side of the Gnipen to the north of the village Arth-Goldau in the Canton of Schwyz. The site is at an altitude between 1080 – 1180 m asl, is ENE oriented, and has an average slope of 30 -35°. The Subalpine Molasse in the region is inclined with 30 - 35° to SE. In the area of the field site, beds of conglomerate with several m of thickness alter with beds of sandstone and marlstone. The goal of the investigation was to understand the hydrology and hydrogeology of the slope with regard to shallow landslides. According to the local forester, during the heavy rainfall events in autumn 2005, groundwater under pressure was extruding at different locations of the slope. We are interested in the origin of this water and its effect on land sliding.

DOI: 10.16904/5