Next lecture coming soon....

Birmensdorfer Tree-ring Lectures


Tree-Ring Lectures -  Scientific talks and presentations given by WSL scientists and staff, typically a 2-hour monthly meeting
Special Invited Tree-Ring Lectures - Organized ad hoc and ad libitum! Invited guest lectures given by scientists, students, guests, visitors in the labs who are not present to give a talk during a regularly scheduled Tree-Ring Lecture
Tree-Ring Spring's Event -   A springtime event, at Birmensdorf or surroundings 
Tree-Ring Summer Meeting -  A one- or half-a-day scientific meeting dealing in depth with one topic, finishing with a BBQ in the WSL gardens
Tree-Ring Fall Excursion -  A one- or two-day scientific excursion of the whole tree-ring community with talks and presentations on research achievements or ongoing projects in the region
Tree-Ring November Journal Club -  A half-a-day presentation of the most influential papers published by not-WSL staff in the different fields of tree- ring related sciences during the past year, chosen by selected WSL scientists and students
Tree-Ring December's Forum -  A discussion among WSL scientists on hot and emerging issues in treering science, moderated and including invited talks and a panel discussion or not, concluding into the traditional Dendro X-mas Party
WSL Dendrosciences Group’s scientific and technical staff, WSL tree-ring scientists, PhD students, Master students, WSL scientists, tree-ring interested scientists and students working in the Zurich area (e.g., ETHZ, PSI, UZH) and in Switzerland or European countries (although we don't believe that people from overseas will run, swim and fly to these meetings, of course, scientists from other parts of the world are warmly welcome too!).
Each meeting will be chaired by a WSL scientist depending on the topic and willingness.
Proposals for meetings....
.... are welcome!
English preferred.
Scientific Committee
Dr. Paolo Cherubini, Dr. Patrick Fonti, Dr. Holger Gärtner, Dr. Kerstin Treydte, Dr. Georg von Arx
Dr. Paolo Cherubini, Dr. Georg von Arx

October 9th 2024

Ido Rog (Universität Zürich, Agroscope): Carbon allocation dynamics: From the tree scale to the forest scale


August 28th 2024

Paolo Cherubini: Nanoparticles do enter into tree stems through leaves: How did we get here?

Maria Elvira Murazzi / Arthur Gessler / Denise Mitrano: The age of plastic: investigating the uptake and the physiological responses of nanoplastic particles in forest trees

Paul Sheppard: The use of dendrochemistry in public health cases

Romano Josi, Alessandro Pardini, Martin Bachmann, Mona Mohsen: Transport and Immune Activation in Nicotiana benthamiana for Biotechnological Applications


June 24th 2024

Lisbeth Garbrecht Thygesen (University of Copenhagen): Microspectroscopy for the characterization of xylem – basic principles and some examples

Anders Ræbild (University of Copenhagen): Assisted migration and extinct woody vegetation: Evidence from tree collections in Denmark and Southern Greenland

April 17th, 2024

Lorenzo Rossi (University of Florida): Anatomical and physiological adjustments in Florida citrus trees affected by citrus greening (huanglongbing, HLB)


March 26th, 2024

Mukund Rao (CREAF Barcelona and Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory): Exploring the decoupling between carbon assimilation and tree growth in temperate oaks


February 26th, 2024

Antoine Cabon (WSL): From tree radial growth to carbon allocation: same drivers?


January 31th, 2024

Dirk Nikolaus Karger (WSL): Climate through space and time


December 12th, 2023,

Chistian Körner (University of Basel): A conceptual framework for treeline biology that permits hypothesis testing

link to the Talk


November 7th,  2023

Claudia Notarnicola (Inst. for Earth Observation EURAC Research): Earth Observation Data and Tools: “Detectives” of climate change

October 24th,  2023

Richard L. Peters (University of Basel): Understanding the physiology of growth in the context of water availability


August 23rd,  2023

Christopher Carcaillet (EPHE-PSL): Tree-ring counting applied in ecology: a 20-year medley


June 21st,  2023

Mediterranean Tree Rings: Talks from: Paolo Cherubini, Augusta Costa, Giovanna Battipaglia, Angela Balzano, Francesca Alderotti, J. Julio Camarero and Cecilia Brunetti


June 7th,  2023

Julie Edwards (LTRR, University of Arizona): Climate signals in wood anatomy of Rocky Mountain bristlecone pine: unravelling temperature stability and multiple climate influences


April 18th, 2023

Paolo Cherubini (WSL): Tree rings and volcanic eruptions: How could trees predict the 2002 flank eruption on Mt. Etna?


March 22nd, 2023

Ulf Büntgen (University of Cambridge, Masaryk University, CzechGlobe, WSL):  In praise of archives (and an open mind)


February 22nd, 2023

Stefan Klesse (WSL):  Using long time-series information to better interpret extreme event impacts on tree growth


November 22nd, 2022

Rolf Siegwolf, Matthias Saurer (WSL):  Book Launch: Stable Isotopes in Tree Rings: Inferring Physiological, Climatic and Environmental Responses

June 9th, 2022

Rob Wilson (University of St Andrews, Scotland, United Kingdom): Elevation transects and their importance for understanding tree climate response and improving historical dating: A Case Study from Scotland

May 3rd, 2022 

Brendan M. Buckley (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, Palisades NY, USA): A Tree Ring Odyssey: Three Decades in Southeast Asia

April 28th 2022

Isabel Dorado-Liñán (Dpto. de Sistemas y Recursos Naturales Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain): Jet stream position explains regional anomalies in European beech forest productivity and tree growth

March 18th, 2022

Virginia Ruiz-Villanueva & Javier del Hoyo Gibaja (Institute of Earth Surface Dynamics Universitè de Lausanne): Disentangling the dynamics of large wood in rivers through their tree-rings


December 7th, 2021

Kristina J. Anderson-Teixeira (Conservation Ecology Center Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute Front Royal, Virginia, USA): Joint effects of climate, tree size, and year on annual tree growth derived from tree-ring records of ten globally distributed forests


November 23rd 2021

John D. Marshall (SLU Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Umeå, Sweden):Growing up and growing old: tree-ring isotopes tell us the life history of a tree

August 25th 2021

Jonathan Barichivich (Laboratory des Sciences du Climat et de L'Environnement (LSCE)): Tree-ring constraints for global land surface models

July 12th 2021

Frederick Reinig (University of Mainz): Dating the Laacher See eruption

June 8th, 2021

Ulf Büntgen (University of Cambridge): The influence of decision-making in tree ring-based climate reconstructions

April, 15th 2021

Qi-Bin Zhang und Ouya Fang: Resilience of tree growth to climatic extremes

March, 24th 2021

J. Julio Camarero: The drought-dieback-death conundrum in forests: what can tree rings offer?

March, 5th 2021

Samuele Moretti & Erika Sabella: Olive Quick Decline Syndrome in Apulia (southern Italy): How Xylella fastidiosa affects olive wood anatomy and tree-ring physiology

February, 23rd  2021

Giovanna Battipaglia, Veronica De Micco, Paolo Cherubini: Wood Intra-Annual Density Fluctuations (IADFs): What have we learned in 15 years of study of their wood anatomy and stable isotopic composition?