Running Projects:
Seraina Brandes
Title: The forest dieback during the 1970s and 1980s in Central Europe, A retrospective analysis using tree ring width and stable isotopes
Ariane Dieth
Title: Retreat of the Turtmanngletscher and succession of Larix decidua since the LIA using geomorphological mapping and dendrochronological analysis
Finished Projects:
Simona Staub (2023) | Strong increase in atmospheric radiocarbon concentration at the onset of the Older Dryas, measured in Scots pine from Dättnau, Switzerland |
Isa van Lidth de Jeude (2023) | Landslide reconstruction and monitoring in Brienz based on dendrochronology. |
Andrea Bringolf (2023) | Variation in vessel size of beech (Fagus sylvatica): due to phenotypic plasticity or genetic adaptation? |
Mattias Barigazzi (2022) | How do wood anatomy and physiological processes influence maximum tree height. |
Silja Holdner (2022) | Assessing the phenomenon of red bark on Larix decidua in the Swiss alps |
Kurt Weber (2022) | Foliar penetration of silver nanoparticles in 3 tree species: role of macro and micro-structures of leaves |
Jana Gemperle (2022) | Monitoring air pollution from aircraft at Zurich airport using nearby trees. |
Joanna Reim (2022) | A multi-criteria approach to reconstruct late spring frost events for Acer pseudoplatanus L., Fagus sylvatica L., and Picea abies (L.) Karst. on Weissenstein |
Philipp Rüegg (2022) | Testing mountain pine (P. mugo) and green alder (A. viridis) for reconstruction of snow avalanches. |
Julien Genilloud (2022) | Datierung von Spaltenöffnungen im Rutschgebiet Brienz/Brinzauls mit Hilfe von holzanatomischen Veränderungen. |
Sara Binkert (2022) | Datierung von Spaltenöffnungen im Rutschgebiet Brienz/Brinzauls mit Hilfe von holzanatomischen Veränderungen. |
Davide Bernasconi (2021) | Using tree rings to assess the air quality in Klosters, Switzerland |
Nicola Paltenghi (2021) | Tree Rings as Indicators of Different Reactions to Drought in Urban Trees. |
Silvia Passardi (2020) | Wood anatomical response of the Vietnamese conifer Fokienia hodginsii to different climatic parameters |
Michael Kessler (2020) | Tree ring records from Isla Hermite, Cape Horn: Evaluating the possibility for a westerly winds signal? |
Alice Gargano (2020) | COCOCHACLI: Cacao Trees in a Changing Climate. Tree-ring analyses to understand the impact of increasing drought frequency and severity on different varieties of cacao trees in Ivory Coast: a preliminary feasibility study |
Sabine Rothenbühler (2020) | Assessing drought-induced mortality on Pine and Beech |
Danijar Manser (2019) | Glacier-induced tsunamis - A wood anatomical reconstruction in Western Greenland |
Jürg Schadegg (2019) | Dendrogeomorphologische Untersuchung einer Rutschung oberhalb von Ferden, VS |
Lisi Haberbauer (2018) | Investigating The Underlying Mechanisms Driving Inter-Annual Variability In Wood Density |
Joshua Braun-Wimmer (2017) | Effects of sample preparation on stable isotope measurements of tree-rings |
Larissa Sutter (2017) | A Geochronological Reconstruction of Tsunami-Events Triggered by the Eqip Sermia in West Greenland |
Philippe Burkhalter (2017) | Dendrogeomorphologische Analyse der Rutschungsaktivitäten im Gebiet Bruust-Haltiwald, Gemeinde Horw, Kanton Luzern |
Giulia Fontana (2017) | Dryas octopetala L.: Assessment of the dendrogeomorphological potential for past debris-flow events reconstruction in the Alps |
Rahel aus der Au (2017) | Two Invasive Species in the Sandhills of Nebraska: Their Response to Drought and Their Water Use Efficiency |
Greta Zanin (2017) | Accrescimento ed efficienza d'uso dell'acqua in una foresta vetusta della Bosnia Herzegovina |
Loren Eggenschwiler (2016) | Using dendrochronology and stratigraphy to understand climatic events near Tebano, Italy |
Annika Oertel (2016) | Hydrological and environmental signals in tree-ring δ18 at the Rietholzbach catchment |
Nancy Bolze (2016) | Re-visiting temperature- induced recruitment pulses of Greenlandic dwarf shrub communities |
Simon Blatter (2016) | Growth of treeline trees - A spatial-temporal analysis of driving forces of tree growth at treeline (pdf) |
Ana Stritih (2016) | Xylem-anatomical variability of Quercus petraea and Fagus orientalis from Colchic forests in response to climate (pdf) |
Maria Grimm (2016) | Oberflächennahe Hangstabilisation durch ingenieurbiologische Maßnahmen und die Auswirkung von Mykorrhiza auf die Entwicklung des Pflanzen- und Wurzelwachstums |
Alexandra Blatter (2015) | Räumliche und zeitliche Unterschiede von Nadellängen und Jahrringbreiten im Engadin. Die Analyse eines mehrjährigen Datensatzes (pdf) |
Karolina Janecka (2015) | Does compression wood affect the climatic signal in carbon and oxygen isotope records of tree rings? |
Sandro Morganti (2015) | Hanginstabilität im Bergrutschgebiet des Vajont-Staudamms, Eine dendro-geomorphologische Rekonstruktion |
Frederick Reinig (2014) | Potential and limitation to develop a tree ring based summer temperature reconstruction for northeastern Siberia and the past millennium |
Jutta Würth (2014) | Tree-Ring Based Reconstruction of Geomorphic Processes to Verify Permafrost Aggradation Below Timberline in Bever Valley / Switzerland |
Laura Petrucco (2014) | Drought induced desiccation of Pinus nigra in the Karst: a spatial and temporal analysis. |
Eric Gasser (2014) | A Feasibility Study Modelling Hydrological Cycles using Tree-Ring Based Climate Reconstructions |
Camillo Eichmann (2014) | Einfluss von Vulkanausbrüchen auf das Wachstum und die Physiologie von Birken (Betula pubescens) in Island |
Dimitri Kink (2014) | Root Tensile Strenght Related to Wood Anatomical Features |
Andreas Hunziker (2014) | Anatomical adaptations of Mediterranean woody species representing growth response to climate - a dendrochronological approach |
Andreas Good (2014) | Climatic influence on tree-ring growth of a Quercus ilex forest in Supramonte (Sardinia, Italy) |
Moritz Reisser (2014) | Soil analysis at Mount Etna to explain faster tree growth preceding a volcanic eruption |
Riccardo Cerrato (2014) | Elaborazione di curve dendrocronologiche (Larix decidua Mill.) e analisi dendroclimatiche dalla Piccola Età Glaciale ad oggi sul versante settentrionale del massiccio della Presanella (Alpi Retiche) |
Simon Vollenweider (2014) | Tree-ring response of three Mediterranean shrubs Juniperus phoenicea L., Phillyrea angustifolia L. and Pistacia lentiscus L. to different climatic parameters at Capo Caccia (Sardinia, Italy) |
Kristen Skolaut (2013) | |
Angela Grieder (2013) | Oxygen isotopes in wood and cellulose of larch and spruce in the Lötschental (Swiss Alps) |
Leonora Di Gesualdo (2013) | Efficienza di uso dell'acqua in boschi igrofili mediterranei costieri |
Mércia Diniz Silva Peter (2013) | Tree-ring response of two relict species Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl and Quercus robur L. to drought at San Rossore (Pisa, Italy) |
Christoph Nehrbass-Ahles (2013) | The influence of sampling design on tree‐ring‐based quantification of forest growth |
Thomas Häfelfinger (2013) | Growth response to climate of beech trees (Fagus sylvatica) in Grisons |
Galina Timofeeva (2013) | Do oxygen isotopes in tree rings from coastal Alaska record atmospheric circulation patterns? |
Florian Weisser (2013) | Ingenieurbiologische Maßnahmen erosionsexponierter Steilhänge des Arieschbach im Prättigau in den ostschweizer Alpen |
Simon Dippel (2013) | Using historical wood to develop a composite chronology in the Bavarian Alps |
Malin Michelle Ziehmer (2012) | Towards a 500-year summer temperature reconstruction on Mt. Olympus in Greece |
Stefan Klesse (2012) | Response of Pinus Nigra to long-term moisture variability on Mt. Olympus, Greece |
Felix Fischer (2012) | Potential and limitation of “branch dendrochronology” to date eagle nests in the Swiss Alps |
Lena Hellmann (2012) | Treibholz aus Grönland - Holzartenbestimmung und Rückschlüsse auf Herkunft und Meeresströme - Anatomical classification of Arctic driftwood Hellmann et al. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences (2013) |
Cristian Gees (2012) | Growth response of Larix decidua to a nine year CO2-enrichment experiment at Stillberg |
Eliano Sonzogni (2011) | Vulcani ed alberi: effetto dell’eruzione 1950-51 dell’Etna sull’accrescimento degli alberi |
Muriel Sophie Camenzind (2011) | Analyse der Auswirkungen von Sommertrockenheit auf das Wachstum und die Physiologie von Quercus pyrenaica entlang eines Längen- und Höhengradienten in Spanien |
Francesco Giammarchi (2010) | Analisi dendroecologica delle dinamiche evolutive di una cembreta in alta Val di Stava |
Lara Läubli (2010) | Linking Alpine glacier dynamics to tree growth |
Monica Fantin (2010) | Analisi dendrocronologica della frana del Vajont |
Patrizio Daina (2010) | Segnale climatico negli anelli annuali di alberature urbane a Bergamo |
Lorenzo Schmid (2010) | Characterization of beech vessels from two ecologically different sites. |
Andrea Seim (2009) | Climate sensitivity of Pinus Heldreichii in Albania |
Sonja Boda (2009) | Intra-seasonal pathway of oxygen isotopes from precipitation and soil to the tree ring in the Lötschental (Swiss Alps) |
Laura Fernández Donado (2009) | Tree-rings and climate of the Iberian Peninsula |
Flurin Babst (2009) | Remote sensing and tree-ring based assessment of Epirrita autumnata defoliation in Fennoscandian Mountain Birch Forests |
Arthur Humbel (2009) | Jahrringidentifikation von Olivenbäumen auf Santorini (Theras) zur Bestätigung von dendrochronologischen Datierungen der minoischen Eruption |
Isabelle Schäfer (2009) | Dichteschwankungen als Trockenheitsindikatoren in Jahrringen von Macchia-Baumarten auf Elba, Italien |
Martin Flury (2009) | Hochgebirge im Klimawandel: Baum- und Waldgrenzen als Indikatoren für Klimaschwankungen |
Thomas Neuenschwander (2008) | Eine 1000- jährige Temperaturrekonstruktion für die Französischen Seealpen. |
Lea Moser (2008) | Intra-annual tree growth along an altitudinal gradient in the Loetschental, Switzerland. (pdf) |
Claudia Parola (2008) | Complessi pollinici e anelli annuali di bosso |
Martina Collemberg (2008) | Dendrochronological and anthracological investigations in Val di Sole (Trentino, Italy) |
Nicolas Steeb (2008) | Dendroglaziologie: Die Reaktion der Bäume un Gletscher auf Klimaänderungen |
Andreas Obrecht (2008) | Wood anatomy and phenology: Vessel formation of beech, oak and cherry trees in retation to phenological observation. |
Pascale Affolter (2007) | Aufbau und Klimatische Analyse eines Tieflagen Netzwerk, Wallis. (pdf) |
Giacomo Nicolini (2007) | Analisi della produttività di Acacia seyal in Niger (Africa) |
Maria-Barbara Winter (2007) | The interconnection between climate, radial growth and nut production of Persian walnut (Juglans regia L.) in Southern Kyrgyzstan |
Sarah Brugger (2006) | Effekte eines Waldbrandes: dendrochronologische Analyse nach einem experimentelle Brand auf der Alpensüdseite. |