1984: Licence d'Anglais (B.A. in English) - University of Nancy (France)
1985: Licence de Lettres Modernes (B.A. in French) - University of Nancy
1992: Maîtrise d'Anglais (Master's Thesis in French: English/French terminology of dendrochronology) - University of Nancy
Activities and selected projects
- Since March 2020: communication für SwissForestLab, LWF, research unit Forest dynamics and WSL site in Lausanne.
- Since 2017: Oak bodyguards. Citizen science project: interface scientists/schools, videos, project redaction
- 2019: Tree stories - An exhibition at WSL. Concept and project management, editing and translation of web site.
- 2011 - August 2019: chief editor of, an information platform for pre-teens and teens
- 2011: Concept, organisation and implementation of knowledge transfer activities for the International Year of Forests, e.g. Waldwanderungen, a special brochure published with Schweizer Wanderwege
- Since 2005: English>French and German>French translations and editorial work for the information platform
- Since 2006: Member of nfz.forestnet: communication, social media marketing