Rhizosphere Processes

The group studies the complex interactions between soil, microbes and roots under natural systems and investigates the impacts of environmental change on these interactions. The group applies biochemical, molecular and stable isotope methods in their studies. The two areas of research concern 1) soil bacterial and fungal communities as drivers for biogeochemical processes and 2) soil microbial communities and roots as indicators of environmental stress.



Rhizosphere Processes

Beat Frey


Julia Bilat

Visiting scientist

Ivano Brunner

Visiting scientist

Sevil Cosgun

PhD student guest

Jessica Cuartero Monino


Jonathan Donhauser

Visiting scientist

Laura Odette Agnès Dziomber

PhD student guest

Maomao Feng

PhD student guest

Aline Frossard

Scientific staff member

Agustin Gimeno

Civilian service employees

Benedikt Gruntz

Scientific assistant

Samuel Gunz

Visiting scientist

Xingguo Han

Scientific staff member

Simon Patrick Heiniger

Temporary employee

Verena Koppe

Temporary employee

Maria Leunda

Visiting scientist

Annina Maier

PhD student guest

Joel Rüthi

Visiting scientist

Christoph Schwörer

Visiting scientist

Christoph Sperisen

Scientific staff member

Beat Stierli

Technical staff member

Enrico van der Loo

Civilian service employees

Gilda Varliero


Anja Werz

Assistant scientifique