31th Dendroecological Fieldweek

28 August - 5 September 2021

Santa Maria, Val Müstair, Switzerland

We have the pleasure to announce the 31th European Dendroecological Fieldweek, Aug 28 to September 5 2021. This year the EDF will be organised in close collaboration between the Dendrolab of the WSL and Biosfera Val Müstair, Switzerland. EDF will take place in Santa Maria, Val Müstair, Switzerland in close proximity to the Swiss National Park.

The Association for Tree-Ring Research ATR, will support this fieldweek with some travel grants. Details see Registration.

EDF is a course affiliated to the Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research (OCCR), University of Bern. Therefore successful participants can be provided with 2.5 ECTS points.

Organisers and Lecturers

Kerstin Treydte, WSL, Switzerland

Linda Feichtinger, Biosfera, Val Müstair, Switzerland

Patrick Cassitti, ProKloster St. Johann Müstair, Switzerland

Alan Crivellaro and Alma Permattei, University of Cambridge, UK

Ryszard Kaczka, Charles University of Prague, Czech Republic

Isabel Dorado-Linan, Technical University Madrid, Spain

Elisabet Martinez-Sancho, WSL, Switzerland


The European Dendroecological Fieldweek covers the full spectrum of dendrochronological issues, including dendroclimatology, dendroecology, dendrogeomorphology, dendroarchaeology and wood anatomy, and fosters cross-disciplinary links. Each topic includes keynote lectures, fieldwork and data production/analysis in small groups, supervised by an advanced scientist. Participants will learn methods of field sampling, sample preparation, visual and statistical cross-dating, data production of tree-ring widths, blue reflectance, stable isotopes, cell size parameters, image analysis, statistical data analysis, and presentation of results. Participants and advanced scientists will spend the whole week together, and there will be ample opportunity to learn, discuss and make new friends from all around the world.

Deadline for registration and payment: 30 June 2021

First come first served...

Successful applicants will be notified in July. 

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People interested in tree-rings from all over the world.

Beginners, Master and PhD students are particularly encouraged to apply.


28 August - 5 September 2021


The fieldweek will take place in the scenic mountain region of Val Müstair, Switzerland.

490 Euro, including course material, accommodation and meals.



Currently registration is closed.

Deadline for Registration and Payment: June 30, 2021.

The registration fee is 490 € including fieldweek material, accommodation and all meals.

To be paid by credit card or bank transfer.


Nature Park Biosfera Val Müstair

Biosfera Val Müstair is a regional nature park of national importance, located in eastern Switzerland at the boarder to Italy. It is part of the UNESCO Biosphere Reservate Engiadina Val Müstair. In an area of nearly 500 km2 Biosfera Val Müstair aims at promoting interactions between society, culture, nature, ecology and economy for maintaining a strong and precious environment for future generations.


We will stay in the youth hostel of Santa Maria, a small village in the community of Val Müstair. The youth hostel is a nice typical local house from 1537 AD.



Youth hostel Sta. Maria

Chasa Plaz
CH - 7536 Santa Maria, Val Müstair


Financial Support

The European Dendroecological Fieldweek is supported by the Association of Tree-Ring Research ATR which offers a few  grants on a competitive basis. The financial support will be around 150€ and is intended to help cover travel costs. Successful applicants are of course expected to attend and participate in the full week of activities. The ATR committee will decide to whom support will be granted.

Please click here to apply for financial support by the ATR.

Organized by