Stand Dynamics and Silviculture

We study stand dynamics and how they can be influenced by man. We thereby focus
on the following topics:

We maintain and manage a net of long-term permanent plots and use the data in simulation models of forest dynamics. Our research contributes to an ecologically, economically and socially sustainable forest management.




Stand Dynamics and Silviculture

Martina Hobi


Carl-Michael Heimo Andersson

Technical staff member

Harald Bugmann

Visiting scientist

Linus Fässler

Civilian service employees

Thomas Didier Marie Gerval

Master student

Jonas Glatthorn

Scientific staff member

Nathalie Gut

Temporary employee

Elisa Hage


Jokin Idoate Lacasia

PhD student guest

Ella Jaeger


Tobias Kalt

Technical staff member

Andrea D. Kupferschmid

Scientific staff member

Tania Monier


Iza Murzynowska

Technical staff member

Petia Simeonova Nikolova

Scientific staff member

Jens Nitzsche

Technical staff member

Gilbert Projer

Technical staff member

Hubert Schmid

Technical staff member

Julia Schwarz

Scientific staff member

Jonas Stillhard

Technical staff member

Kathrin Streit

Technical staff member

Christoph Tellenbach

Technical staff member

Serra Topuz

Temporary employee

Zeljka Vulovic

Administrative staff member

Chiara Wülser


Matthias Wüthrich

Technical staff member