Fostering Equal Opportunities

WSL promotes a culture in which men and women work together to create a non-discriminatory working environment where women have the same opportunities for career advancement as men. There are several measures in place at WSL for promoting equal opportunities.

WSL Equity Strategy 2022-2024 »

feM-LEAD - Mentoring program of the four research institutions of the ETH Domain

This program is aimed at all women who are considering taking on a management role in the future. The focus is on planning the mentee's career, e.g. by gaining an insight into the mentor's career and work experience, with the help of workshops and networking. The aim is to promote the mentee's professional development in an enriching way and to encourage them to deal with leadership issues.

Further information on PSI website

Equal Pay Analysis

The ETH Board had the six institutions of the ETH Domain examine whether women and men are paid the same for the same work. The results are encouraging: all institutions meet the equal pay requirements and achieved values that are within the tolerance threshold of 5% permitted by the federal government.

Further information

Peer Mentoring Group 

The Women’s Peer Mentoring Group (PMG) is a self-organized group of early-career female scientists on short-term contracts at WSL/SLF. The PMG supports its members as they make career path choices and develop the necessary skills to gain recognition as scientists or for a successful transition to a non-academic career.

Further information

Fix the Leaky Pipeline

The Fix the Leaky Pipeline program is run by the six institutions of the ETH Domain, including WSL. It offers young female scientists the opportunity to reflect on their professional situation, to develop a strategy for embarking on a career path, to receive further targeted training, and to extend their personal and scientific networks.

CONNECT in academia and industry

CONNECT is a program set up by the ETH Domain and the University of Zurich in collaboration with their project partners to encourage women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) to plan and develop their career according to their own vision.

feMLEAD - female Mentoring: Leadership for Equity And Diversity at PSI, Empa and WSL

The Mentoring Programme is a competitive programme aimed at women, who would like to take on a leadership role in the future. It has been externally evaluated as unique due to:

  • being open for all women (scientists, technicians as well as women working in administration)
  • being open for women who have not yet taken on a leadership role

The cross-institutional programme is open to ambitious mentees and mentors from the participating institutions WSL, PSI, Empa and Eawag. 

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

In 2015, the United Nations declared 11 February as the International Day of Women and Girls in Science to promote the equal participation of women in research.

On the International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2023, we focused on the next generation - teenage girls who are wondering what career is right for them and what subjects fascinate them. Meet them in our video series.

WSL took action in 2022, focusing not only on women scientists, but on all women from different areas of WSL's work. Because outstanding science is not the work of individuals, but is created collectively.

The aim was to give visibility to our female colleagues and their competences. More than sixty pictures were taken, of which we present a selection at the bottom of this page.

In 2021, WSL produced this Video clip.