Dr. Julia Born

Dr. Julia Born


Responsabile di progetto


Dinamica del bosco

Ecologia degli Ecositemi


Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL
Zürcherstrasse 111
8903 Birmensdorf


WSL Birmensdorf Bi HL D 26

My professional interests

  • Natural sciences, biology and sustainable ecosystem management
  • Project management and support for science, research programmes and science-practice dialog


2018 – present

Coordinator of the SwissForestLab: Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL (Switzerland)

2015 – 2018

Postdoctoral research associate: Dep. of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, University of Zurich (Switzerland)

2010 – 2015

Coordinator of the research programme ‟Forest and climate change”: Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL (Switzerland) and Federal Office for the Environment FOEN (Switzerland)

2006 – 2011

Ph.D. in tropical Ecology: Institute of Terrestrial Ecosystems, ETH Zurich (Switzerland)

2005 – 2006

Scientific assistant: Dep. of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, University of Zurich (Switzerland)

1999 – 2004

Diploma in Biology: Dep. of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, University of Zurich (Switzerland)



Born J., Linder H.P., 2018: Water availabilty, fundamental niches and realized niches: a case study from the Cape flora. Austral Ecology, 43: 696-705.

Born J., Bagchi R., Burslem D., Nilus R., Tellenbach C., Pluess A.R., Ghazoul J., 2015: Differential Responses of Dipterocarp Seedlings to Soil Moisture and Microtopography. Biotropica, 47: 49-58.

Born J., Pluess A.R., Burslem D., Nilus R., Maycock C.R., Ghazoul J., 2014: Differing Life History Characteristics Support Coexistence of Tree Soil Generalist and Specialist Species in Tropical Rain Forests. Biotropica, 46: 58-68.

Linder H.P., de Klerk H.M., Born J., Burgess N.D., Fjeldsa J., Rahbek C., 2012: The partitioning of Africa: statistically defined biogeographical regions in sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Biogeography, 39: 1189-1205.

Born J., Boreux V., Lawes M.J., 2009: Synthesis: Sharing Ecological Knowledge – The Way Forward. Biotropica, 41, 5: 586-588.

Boreux V., Born J., Lawes M.J., 2009: Sharing Ecological Knowledge: Opportunities and Barriers to Uptake. Biotropica, 41, 5: 532-534.

Born J., Linder H.P., Desmet P., 2007: The Greater Cape Floristic Region. Journal of Biogeography, 34, 1: 147-162.

Hosken D.J., Martin O.Y., Born J., Huber F., 2003: Sexual conflict in Sepsis cynipsea: female reluctance, fertility and mate choice. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 16: 485-490.

Special section ‟Sharing ecological knowledge: conquering the research-implementation gap” (2009) Eds Lawes M., Born J., Boreux V. Biotropica 41, 5: 531-588. (consisting of editorial, six journal articles, commentary)


Peer-reviewed non-ISI / Book chapters

Brang P., Augustin S., Born J., Pluess A.R., 2016: Eine Schweizer Forschungsinitiative zum Wald im Klimawandel. In: Wald im Klimawandel. Grundlagen für Adaptationsstrategien. (eds Pluess A.R., Augustin S., Brang P.) pp. 13-20. Bundesamt für Umwelt BAFU, Bern; Eidg. Forschungsanstalt WSL, Birmensdorf; Haupt. Bern, Stuttgart, Wien.

Brang P., Pluess A.R., Bürgi A., Born J., 2016: Potenzial von Gastbaumarten bei der Anpassung an den Klimawandel. In: Wald im Klimawandel. Grundlagen für Adaptationsstrategien. (eds Pluess A.R., Augustin S., Brang P.) pp. 385-406. Bundesamt für Umwelt BAFU, Bern; Eidg. Forschungsanstalt WSL, Birmensdorf; Haupt. Bern, Stuttgart, Wien.


Other publications

Hanewinkel M., Gessler A., Born J., 2019: Final report SwissForestLab/NFZ.forestnet Summer School 2019: Forest Resilience – Resilience of Forest Ecosystems under Global Change. 11 p.

Gessler A., Born J., 2018: Final report SwissForestLab/NFZ.forestnet Summer School 2018: CARSEQ – Carbon Sequestration in Forest Ecosystems. 10 p.

Brang P., Born J., Augustin S., Küchli C., Pauli B., Thürig E., Wermelinger B., Wohlgemuth T., Zimmermann N.E., 2011: Forschungsprogramm Wald und Klimawandel. Synthese der ersten Programmphase 2009 - 2011. Birmensdorf, Eidg. Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft WSL; Bern, Bundesamt für Umwelt. 51 p.
