Swiss Forest Protection (WSS)

Head: Dr. Valentin Queloz

Competence center of Forest Protection

  • informs the Swiss forest services,  the forest owners and the interested public about current incidents concerning the forest protection.
  • surveys together with the forests services of the cantons the frequency and degree of  disturbances in the forest  by abiotic incidents and organisms (insects, fungi, game) concerning the forest protection.
  • gets involved with further education of forest services,  students of universities and technical colleges in the domain of forest protection, healthiness of trees using courses and lectures.
  • consults the Swiss forest services, forest owners, departments and interested people with questions about forest protection. 
  • cultivates the information exchange with internal and external colleagues.



Swiss Forest Protection

Valentin Queloz

Group leader

Benno Andreas Augustinus

Scientific staff member

Ludwig Beenken

Scientific staff member

Simon Blaser

Scientific staff member

Francesca Giulia Dennert

Scientific staff member

Vivanne Dubach

Technical staff member

Renate Heinzelmann

Scientific staff member

Doris Hölling

Scientific staff member

Andrea Minetti

Software developer

Federico Monteleone

Scientific assistant

Maurice Moor

Technical staff member

Alice Pessina


Mario Sahli

Technical staff member

Elisabeth Schertler

Technical staff member

Sophie Stroheker

Technical staff member