Land-use systems

The land-use systems group studies landscape patterns and processes and their changes over time. We focus on urban, rural and alpine landscapes and their multifunctionality while conducting research in the following topics:

  • Development of models for simulating future landscape dynamics and for estimating the resulting landscape services.
  • Analysis of historical changes in ecosystems and landscapes (focus on the past 100 to 250 years) and their implications in the context of historical ecology.
  • Analysis of actors, driving forces, and land change and their interaction to understand the causes of landscape change.
  • Contributing to the further development of landscape planning, based, for example, on conflict analysis and the evaluation of planning instruments.
  • Analysis of social-ecological networks and the assessment of their ecological connectivity in urban and peri-urban areas.

The land-use systems group combines methods and theories from natural sciences and social sciences on spatial scales from single ecosystems to continents. We are equally committed to theory development and innovative applications.


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Land-use systems

Anna Hersperger


Somaie Abolhasani


Thomas Niklaus Dalang

Visiting scientist

Rebekka Dossche

Visiting scientist

Maria Garcia Martin

Scientific staff member

Tim Geiges

Scientific staff member

Simona Raluca Gradinaru

Scientific staff member

Janine Jung

Master student

Felix Kienast

Temporary employee

Yuexin Liu

Visiting scientist

Susan Lock

Temporary employee

Franziska Mohr

Visiting scientist

Rafael Ramirez Eudave


Daniels Saakjans

PhD student

Franziska Schmid

Visiting scientist

Yuri Schmid

Master student

Stephanie Schwab Cammarano

Scientific staff member

Elena Grace Siegrist

PhD student

Silvia Tobias

Scientific staff member

Sophie von Einsiedel

PhD student guest